Payment methods

PayPal is the easiest and safest way to pay online. This service allows anyone to pay - whether by credit card, bank account or with PayPal Smart Connect. PayPal has become one of the world's leading online payment options with more than 230 million accounts. It is available in over 100 nations and numerous currencies. Due to the constant development of technology, Internet trade is made significantly easier by PayPal. It has received more than 20 awards for excellence from the Internet industry and business community.
Bank transfer
Bank transfer is the most commonly used means of payment in Germany. A bank transfer usually involves the payer, the payer's bank, the payee's bank and the payee. In the case of a transfer between two banks of one financial institution, the transaction usually takes one working day - between 2-3 working days if the banks are different. In order to make a transfer, you as the payer need the name of the payee's account holder, the IBAN and the BIC. A date transfer is also possible. With this type of transfer you determine the day of the transaction yourself. In addition to cheques, bills of exchange, direct debits and payment by credit, debit or charge card, the bank transfer is a payment instrument of cashless payment transactions.
Credit Card (over Stripe)
The credit card has been around since 1894 and was originally issued in the USA, where it was first issued by hotels only to selected customers.Today, credit cards can be used mostly worldwide and are always used when goods or services from online shops or real day-to-day business have to be paid for. On the one hand you can pay regardless of the currency, on the other hand it grants the cardholder credit if required. The credit card owes its name to this fact.
Currently the four major providers Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Diners share almost the entire European credit card market. Mastercard and Visa cards are usually issued in cooperation with banks and their card organizations, while American Express and Diners issue cards directly through the card company.