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Wir nutzen Trusted Shops als unabhängigen Dienstleister für die Einholung von Bewertungen. Trusted Shops hat Maßnahmen getroffen, um sicherzustellen, dass es es sich um echte Bewertungen handelt. Mehr Informationen Iniciar sessão e escrever revisãoMostrar classificações no Português
Ordering online with ECD was easy and the hardtop stand was delivered very quickly by UPS. The stand is great value, well made and very easy to assemble. Unlike similar products from other suppliers, it also came with a free waterproof cover for the hardtop. Highly recommended.
a partir de Stephen E. escrito em 13/12/2023 12:31:49
a partir de Manfred S. escrito em 12/12/2023 16:13:44
a partir de uwe z. escrito em 03/09/2022 10:55:16
Hardtop Stand - Good quality product delivered fast and efficiently
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